Hi there, my name is Felix. I’m a software engineer based in Europe, with a focus on backend development. While my main passion is backend work, I also enjoy diving into web design from time to time. You might occasionally find me hanging out on the Python Discord or participating in a CSS battle.
I’m also passionate about working with automation to make my coworkers' lives easier by streamlining repetitive tasks. Currently, I’m developing a system to detect anomalies in player behavior at Riot Games, which has been an exciting challenge and a lot of fun.
HTML // CSS // JavaScript // Angular // Python // Flask // SQL // PostgreSQL // Git // Docker // RabbitMQ // C#
Besides coding, I have a passion for photography and enjoy listening to a wide variety of music. Occasionally, you might find me playing some swift matches in Valorant.
I also love traveling and have been fortunate enough to visit places like South Africa, Spain, Ireland and many more in recent years, fulfilling my wanderlust.